Help Keep The Bad Guys Out; Security Protection Window Films
Posted by Steve Krontz on Apr 4, 2012 in Commercial Window Tinting, Residential WIndow Tinting, Security Film | 0 commentsRecent events in our world demonstrate we live in a world where violence can erupt at any time. Far from being over, it looks like there are more protests to come.
Riots, protests and what have you usually have one thing in common…people are hurt and property damaged or destroyed. Those of us who own property or whom are responsible for the safety and security of people and property need to plan for such unexpected events…because they are becoming more and more frequent.
From a security standpoint, windows are the weakest point in your buildings perimeter. When you see pictures of rioters and protesters on the news you usually see them kicking in windows and doors, followed by looting, arson and more destruction.
Security window films can help keep the bad guys out and lessen the damage caused by broken and flying glass, resulting in fewer and less severe injuries than would be the case with unprotected glass.